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All students must adhere to OBA’s code of conduct and rules. This policy is accessible to students and families on OBA’s website under “Resources.” Students who do not adhere will be subject to disciplinary action as follows:

Warning 1
Students observed violating OBA’s student code of conduct or explicitly communicated rules may be advised by any OBA staff member.
If violating behavior persists, the student will receive an explicit “Warning 1” from OBA’s Student Life Manager or Program Manager.
Warning 2
If the student's violating behavior continues after receiving "Warning 1" the student will receive an explicit “Warning 2” from the Student Life Manager or Program Manager.
The student’s parent or guardian will be contacted and informed of the disciplinary policy.
Warning 3
If the student's violation persists after "Warning 2" the student will be sent home.
Program partners mutually serving the student (e.g. Friends of the Children, College Possible) may be consulted for support, at the Program Manager's discretion.


  • Explicit warnings can only be delivered by OBA’s Student Life Manager and/or Program Manager unless specified otherwise by the Program Manager.

  • Warnings must be audio recorded or witnessed by a third-party staff member.

  • All explicit warnings will be delivered confidentially and supportively.

  • OBA’s Disciplinary Action Process will be reiterated to the student during each warning.



Under extreme circumstances (e.g., breaking state or federal law, posing a clear physical threat), a student may be sent home with no warning. Both the Student Life Manager and Program Manager must unanimously agree to this action. The reasoning for immediate dismissal must be documented, and the conversation recorded.

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